Monday, January 16, 2012


16 January 2012 Monday Hot Day

Whole night cannot sleep well~~
Early in the morning, I fetch my sister to school~~
While on the way back~~
I keep on think about the meaning of the message that dear sent me last night~~

7 o clock in the morning I started to called him~~
Maybe he not yet wake up~~
But I keep on called him~~
I wanted to know the meaning~~

I called until 9 o clock something~~
Still don't have any response~~
He called me back~~
I ask him why I message him last night but he didn't reply me~~
Why he send me this kind of message~~
What's the meaning?

He says he scared my family don't like him~~
What I want to say is~~
Why need to judge someone by face~~
I love you not because you are handsome or ugly~~~
Love is from the true heart~~
No matter how, I want to tell you,
I love you from my true heart,
No matter you are ugly, handsome, rich , poor I also will love you

Dear say Wednesday he's going to bring me to Jusco see small cute baby shoes right after we claim the book vouchers at college~~
So happy to hear that~~
Wednesday can go pak tor again o~~

Today I keep on sleeping~~
Sleep a while then wake up~~
More tired~~

Night after dinner~~
Go back Ampang~~
Rest a while ~~
Sleep o~~

Good Night~~
I love you, dear

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