Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Come? No come?

24 January 2012 Tuesday CNY 2nd day

Chinese New Year 2nd day...
Today I wake up~~
I suddenly think today is what's the date for today...
24 already...
My 'good friend' still not yet come~~
So worry~~

Today go out 拜年 again~~
So many biscuit to eat~~
Eat until full full~~
No need eat lunch~~
Can diet~~

Afternoon come back sms my hubby~~
He still at Ipoh...
When only he will be back?
Your wife me very missed you o~~

Night time~~
I called my hubby~~
Called many time then only he answer my call....
Wu wu~~

Tired tired o~~
Sleep early early la...
Night night~~
I love you, dear

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