Saturday, January 28, 2012

Walk walk

28 January 2012 Saturday CNY 6th day

When I wake up...
I saw a message from my hubby husband~~
He first time so early wake up o...

I wait for him to reply message until my neck also long~~
9 something~~
Finally, he reply me~~
He says he go to temple pray pray~~

I gepoh ask him what he ask and pray~~
He says just ask study things only~~
Although got a little bit suffer,
but, never mind dear...
I will always by your side with you~~

10 something~~
Go out with family~~
Go to my aunt house sit for a while,
then we go to Viva Home~~

Go there eat breakfast~~
Boston again~~
Not tasty at all~~
I just eat salad~~
Full enough....

After that go walk walk,
nothing to buy also...
Almost 2 o clock...
Reach home~~
Sms hubby again~~
But he also late reply me for 1 hour~~

3 o clock, he called me~~
Chat for a little while~~
He say me don't have slim body o~~
So bad o...

Go to my grandmother house~~
Help my "stupid" cousin set up the webcam~~
How stupid he are?
He give me the disc that only can install in Windows XP but
his computer is Windows 7...
Waste my gas and time~~

10 o clock something~~
Finally reach home~~
So comfortable~~
Lay on my bed and text message to my dear~~~

Night night...
I love you, dear...

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