Saturday, January 7, 2012

Pang Pang Pang.... PIS paper down....

7 January 2012 Saturday Hot Day

Today got PIS paper....
Go to school early study...

Today got new look...
Seems so fresh....
Everybody starring at me...
I look weird or what?

When reach college go find my husband...
So happy...
Today he got 'sayang' me ...

Afternoon paper...
We go college study....
Alfred keep on say my hair like pig tail....
My lovely husband accompany me until I enter the exam hall...

When I opened the paper...
I know how to answer the questions...

After the paper end....
Wait for the Yong Zhong they all come out...
Then I saw Chee Toh gor gor...
His phone is being confiscate...
So pity....
Next time see you still dare to silent your phone or not!!

Go back home together with my sweetie, Lydia...
We go to KLCC just to buy Rotiboy....
She bought 2 bread...
Not yet reached home....
She already finished the bread....
My poor sweetie sure very hungry....

Today very tired o....
My lovely husband maybe same with me....
Tired tired...
Sleep early la...
One more paper to go...
I had promise Mr Teo...
Sure I can keep my promise to score distinction....

Good Night
I love you, Mr Chow..

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