Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Day with my lovely husband

18 January 2012 Wednesday Sweet Day

Today I wake up early~~
I want to choose shirt and pants~~
Why so nervous?
Because want go out with my hubby husband~~

9.30 a.m...
I already settle down ~~~
Just wait for him to come~~
He so punctual....
Reach at 10 o clock~~

Go back college take the book voucher~~
No , go back hostel first...
Put dear's things~~
Then stay there for a little while only go take the voucher~~

4 voucher worth RM 200....
How to finish use it?
After that we go to Jusco Maluri~~
Go there walk walk...

Dear bring me go see small shoes~~
So cute`~
He buy me one pair of shoes....
I so happy leh~~

Then we go to eat Mc Donald~~
He forget me don't like cily...
Finally, he eat it....
The spicy face, I still can remember~~

When on the way home,
start raining~~
Dear go Tesco there buy Rojak for his family~~
When reach home, he saw my mum and he says "Bye bye, auntie"...

Tomorrow have to go out o....
Sleep early tonight....
I love you, dear....
Good Night

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