Thursday, January 26, 2012

I'm boring

26 January 2012 Thursday CNY 4th day

Today wake up still have the stomach pain feel~~
Hate that~~

Today still have to stay at Ampang until noon then only go back
to Yulek~~
At home there nothing to do, just eat sleep and play....
But, got a bit special...
I have a mission impossible~~
Help my sister to memorize the oral~~

My hubby husband today will come back~~
Morning he sms tell me he so sad because need to come back KL~~
Have to study again~~
Afternoon I sms him again~~
He says he now at Port Dickson~~
He told me why he at there but I don't really understand~~
But, I trust him~~
The most important is he is safe...

Evening, I received his message again~~
He says he bought me a present from Cameron~~
I so happy o~~

Finally he reached KL~~
Before sleep chat with him for a while~~
1 day didn't hear his voice already~~
So miss him~~
When only school reopen?

Good Night~~
I love you , dear...

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