Thursday, January 5, 2012


5 January 2012 Thursday Hot Oven Day

PCD paper....
The only subject that make me worry...
When I open the paper....
Go through the questions...
Got many I don't know how to answer....
Sad case...

After finished the exam.... I feel so happy and relax...
Sorry Sin Chien and my sweetie Lydia...
Today only I can give you all the christmas present....

Baby Anne fetch me to lrt station...
Wow.... The way she drive... so cool....
When reached home...
My teeth more pain....
surf fb for a while then go sleep....
Afternoon go dentist appointment...

Night come back....
Go pasar malam....
Today night market so crowded...
I bought bubble tea for drinks....

Tomorrow is an important date for me and my lovely husband....
Happy 6 month Anniversary....
I love you...

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