Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Study Study Study

2 January 2012 Monday Sunny Day


Many people ask me why you write all the things that happen in one day at your blog instead of write your own expressions here...

I treat the blog as my baby diary, I like to review back the things that happen to me for the past few days or months...

Today nothing special...
I wake up early in the morning, sms my lovely husband and wait for his reply for 1 hour something then only he reply my message... Sleep until so late, naughty....
Go out had my breakfast, oops, is brunch( breakfast + lunch)....

Drop a call to my husband, chat around 30 minutes then start study...
Tomorrow got English paper... I have no idea with what to study... Just flip the books , lay on the bed... Then slowly slowly like Justin Bieber's song :" I closed my eyes.....", I sleep....

3 something wake up then saw my husband message... Finally he arrive at hostel... Sometimes I very afraid he alone drive back home or hostel... He loves to think when he is driving, is so dangerous...

Night time, eat Claypot chicken rice as dinner.... Aiks, not tasty like last time.... When I reached home, after I see the message, I so happy... Tomorrow can meet up with my husband.... I also don't know got how many days didn't meet him.... Just chat and sms through handphone....

I realize that I opened up my english books, page 73 at 7.38p.m.
Dik Dok Dik Dok...
Now is 8.45p.m.
My book still at page 73....
Because I fb+ing....
Don't want study already....

I love you....

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