Thursday, January 12, 2012

Yeah !!! Sem Break

12 January 2012 Thursday Holiday

Yeah yeah~~
Semester 2 break start now...
No need wake up early in the morning...
No need rush for class....
No need do all those stupid tutorial and attend lecturer class...
No need do assignment...
And the most important is no need study for exam...

Today wake up at 8 o clock...
Be "Ah Mat" again...
Accompany my mum to the wet market...
Then come back called my lovely husband for a while..
Next then start my CLEANING job...

Now only I realize I got so many books and rubbish inside my cupboard...
No wonder my mum always say my cupboard is a big dustbin...
So many dust...
While cleaning then will hear my "Hak-chu" sound...

Is time to pack my shirt...
I bought many shirt....
Got many I also didn't wear before...
Again ...
My mum sing mountain song (scold)^_^
"You see ! How many shirts you had bought and didn't wear.... Now still want to buy... If don't want wear then please donate some to others"
Crazy? My shirt all expensive one.... Throw it away... No way!!!

2 o clock....
My lovely husband called me again...
This time we chat about 1 hour...
Of course long chatting...
I will have 25 days cannot meet him....
I will miss him very very much...
Don'y say me "GELI"
When you all have boyfriend/girlfriend then you will understand...
I love you...

Nap for 2 hours...
Then receive Alfred's call...
Keep asking me go Times Square....
Then some more lie to me say the PIS paper have to re-sit...
I will not believe you...
I'm not the small kids...

Pasar Malam time...
Long time didn't go already...
People mountain people sea...
So hot man...

Take shower....
Then sms my husband...
Is time to sleep....
Good night....
I love you,my dear

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