Monday, January 30, 2012

Happy School Reopen

30 January 2012 Monday CNY 8th day

Happy School Reopen for all small kids....
Today wake up early a bit....
Need to fetch my sister to school...

After that..
Back to Yulek...
Finally no need stay at Ampang whole day~~
Damn boring at there....

Early in the morning need to accompany my grandmother go hospital for X-Ray...
So cold at there...
Stay for almost 1 hour then finally can go home...

Online ....
Update my blog...
Chat with my hubby husband~~
Almost whole day also chat with him o...
Feel so sweet~~

Got relatives come 拜年...
Need to wait them go off only can online...
7.30 p.m.
Date with my hubby again...
Chat again o....
But dear busy with reviewing the laptop specifications ....
Slow slow reply me...
Sad :(

Tomorrow need to go Low Yat...
Sleep tight~~
I love you, dear...
Night night~~

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