Friday, January 27, 2012

Muacks muacks

27 January 2012 Friday CNY 5th day

Today almost 9 o clock...
My phone vibrate a while~~
Sure is my lovely husband send me morning message~~
Today he wake up early than me o~~

When I wake up...
I keep on think today what will he do ?
Wash and wipe car? start the car's enginene? Download games/

This few days didn't go out eat~~
Yesterday I cook spaghetti as breakfast~~
Today, I make sandwiches~~

Send him a message again~~
While waiting for him to reply~~
I accompany my sister study oral again~~

After that called him..
But he didn't pick up my call....
When he called back me...
Just chat a while then he says he says he not free~~
Call me later~~
That time I got a bit angry o...
Cause the 5 minutes conversation got some sentences that I don't

After a little while, he called me back~~
He says he scared me angry o~~
When I heard he says this don't know why my heart suddenly feel
so sweet and warm...

Night time...
Watch TV...
so boring o~~
Cannot online~~
No internet access...

Sleep early la~~
You also must sleep early o~~

Good Night~~
I love you..

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