Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Ah mat ah mat

17 January 2012 Tuesday Hot Day

Morning~~ Morning~~
Yesterday sleep well~~
Today feel so fresh~~

Go to wet market~~
Waiting for my hubby husband send me morning message~~
Naughty, sleep until 10 o clock only wake up~~ Hehe

Around 11 o clock, my mum ask me go to "Ah Mat" again...
Go out buy CNY stuff again~~
I wonder why the CNY always cannot finish buy?
Everyday also want me to go out?

When come back, jumped up to the bed and sleep~~
Damn tired and sleepy~~
3 o clock wake up, called my hubby~~
tomorrow can go out.....
see small shoes, hold my hubby warm hand, hug him, sleep on his shoulder~~
Can't wait to see him~~

After dinner....
Watch TV for a while, fb, then go back home...

Still got 10 hours can see my hubby husband~~
Good Night~~
I love you~~

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