Monday, January 9, 2012

Wednesday, faster come!!!

9 January 2012 Monday Hot day

Cannot sleep well...
I keep on open and close my eyes for a few hours..
Also cannot asleep...
Why? Why? Why?

This morning when I drive to my grandmother house....
Traffic jam...
Normally it won't happen in the morning...
Oh , shit...
Got road block....
I didn't bring my IC and license...

Today is the day where decide Anwar Ibrahim have to be in the jail for the rest of his lifetime...
Everyone says better don't go out...
Until 10 o clock....
I saw one sentence :"Anwar aquicted"...
After I see this...
So sleepy....
Sleep until 2 o clock...

Take a bath...
Study the business....
Oh gosh....
2 more chapters to go....
I want distinction...

4 o clock something...
Receive a sweet call...
Chat for almost 1 hour....
He says if i can score distinction..
Then he will do sit up and rabbit jump 1 round around the college...
Where got so easy...

Chat with Chee Toh...
teach him how to "kao" a girl...
study study la...
dun fb already...

Wednesday faster come...
I want go shopping with my lovely husband...
Good night...
I love you...

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