Monday, January 23, 2012

Gong Xi Fa Cai

23 January 2012 Monday CNY 1st day

Gong Xi Fa Cai~~
Angpau come come~~

Today first day of Chinese New Year~~
A lot of people play fire crackers~~
But, I sleep early ~~
Cause need to prepare morning dishes~~

5 o clock wake up~~
Feel like wanna sms my hubby husband~~
Today he go back to Ipoh o~~
Just not sure what time will he arrived~~
I miss him badly~~

8 o clock something~~
Finished eat morning rice~~
Angpau time~~
This time angpau also less~~

Time go to 拜年...
Go grandmother house...
On the way, keep on look at my handphone~~
No message yet~~

We are the first family who reach early~~
Go there help grandma cook dishes again~~
10 o clock something then only got people come~~

Afternoon come back,
My hubby husband called me~~
Chat for almost 30 minutes only,
then stop~~
Wanna hear his sound longer but he just like want to go do something~~

After dinner....
My family suddenly say wanna go watch movie~~
Go 1 Shamelin TGV cinemas watch " I Love Hong Kong 2"
Not that nice~~
Just a little bit laugh scene~~

Today really tired~~
Sleep sleep o...

Good Night~~
I love you, dear~~

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