Sunday, January 29, 2012

3rd Sem time table

29 January 2012 Sunday CNY 7th day

Today give people awake up~~
Come back from home town then quiet quiet la~~
Whole street also know you all come back

Send my hubby a morning message~~
Miss him o~~
Go out eat breakfast saw 1 Aqua...
So beautiful...
But, when he talk...
Yucks.. so " geli "

Afternoon send hubby message....
He didn't reply him...
Call him also didn't pick up the call...
I call from 1 o clock until 4 o clock also didn't answer...

Finally, he called me...
He says I called him 30 ++ times o...
Know then good la....
Who ask you don't pick up my call...
See you next time dare not to pick up my call ma?

Go out eat with family....
Today is everybody's birthday o...
Happy Birthday^_^

Today's birthday present is 3rd semester time table...
Got 1 day off...
But, the time table got a bit crash with hubby time table....

We this semester less meet o..
1 week meet only 3 times...
But, I strongly believe....
Although we less meet,
also won't affect our love...

I love you...

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