Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I don't have

31 January 2012 Tuesday CNY 9th day

Whole night also cannot sleep well....
Fire cracker's sound....
So annoying~~
Until I fetch my sister go school...
Only can sleep well...

Sleep til 9 o clock only wake up~~
Sms hubby also late o...
He ask me why so late wake up...
He say me pig o... sleep until so late....

Go Low Yat with my father~~
Buy new laptop~~
Walk for a few hours only prefer buy which one..
After that need to wait for 45 minutes for the technician to install the software....
Ishh.. So long...

Go Times Square walk walk...
Stop at Old Town to had lunch~~
I had French Fries + orange juice + wifi as my lunch...

1.30p.m. leave Low Yat go back home o...
Dear today also go Low Yat o...
But, can't meet him...

Chat with hubby ....
He also bought new laptop~~
I jealous...
What also don't have~~

good night...
I love you, dear...

Monday, January 30, 2012

Happy School Reopen

30 January 2012 Monday CNY 8th day

Happy School Reopen for all small kids....
Today wake up early a bit....
Need to fetch my sister to school...

After that..
Back to Yulek...
Finally no need stay at Ampang whole day~~
Damn boring at there....

Early in the morning need to accompany my grandmother go hospital for X-Ray...
So cold at there...
Stay for almost 1 hour then finally can go home...

Online ....
Update my blog...
Chat with my hubby husband~~
Almost whole day also chat with him o...
Feel so sweet~~

Got relatives come 拜年...
Need to wait them go off only can online...
7.30 p.m.
Date with my hubby again...
Chat again o....
But dear busy with reviewing the laptop specifications ....
Slow slow reply me...
Sad :(

Tomorrow need to go Low Yat...
Sleep tight~~
I love you, dear...
Night night~~

Sunday, January 29, 2012

3rd Sem time table

29 January 2012 Sunday CNY 7th day

Today give people awake up~~
Come back from home town then quiet quiet la~~
Whole street also know you all come back

Send my hubby a morning message~~
Miss him o~~
Go out eat breakfast saw 1 Aqua...
So beautiful...
But, when he talk...
Yucks.. so " geli "

Afternoon send hubby message....
He didn't reply him...
Call him also didn't pick up the call...
I call from 1 o clock until 4 o clock also didn't answer...

Finally, he called me...
He says I called him 30 ++ times o...
Know then good la....
Who ask you don't pick up my call...
See you next time dare not to pick up my call ma?

Go out eat with family....
Today is everybody's birthday o...
Happy Birthday^_^

Today's birthday present is 3rd semester time table...
Got 1 day off...
But, the time table got a bit crash with hubby time table....

We this semester less meet o..
1 week meet only 3 times...
But, I strongly believe....
Although we less meet,
also won't affect our love...

I love you...

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Walk walk

28 January 2012 Saturday CNY 6th day

When I wake up...
I saw a message from my hubby husband~~
He first time so early wake up o...

I wait for him to reply message until my neck also long~~
9 something~~
Finally, he reply me~~
He says he go to temple pray pray~~

I gepoh ask him what he ask and pray~~
He says just ask study things only~~
Although got a little bit suffer,
but, never mind dear...
I will always by your side with you~~

10 something~~
Go out with family~~
Go to my aunt house sit for a while,
then we go to Viva Home~~

Go there eat breakfast~~
Boston again~~
Not tasty at all~~
I just eat salad~~
Full enough....

After that go walk walk,
nothing to buy also...
Almost 2 o clock...
Reach home~~
Sms hubby again~~
But he also late reply me for 1 hour~~

3 o clock, he called me~~
Chat for a little while~~
He say me don't have slim body o~~
So bad o...

Go to my grandmother house~~
Help my "stupid" cousin set up the webcam~~
How stupid he are?
He give me the disc that only can install in Windows XP but
his computer is Windows 7...
Waste my gas and time~~

10 o clock something~~
Finally reach home~~
So comfortable~~
Lay on my bed and text message to my dear~~~

Night night...
I love you, dear...

Friday, January 27, 2012

Muacks muacks

27 January 2012 Friday CNY 5th day

Today almost 9 o clock...
My phone vibrate a while~~
Sure is my lovely husband send me morning message~~
Today he wake up early than me o~~

When I wake up...
I keep on think today what will he do ?
Wash and wipe car? start the car's enginene? Download games/

This few days didn't go out eat~~
Yesterday I cook spaghetti as breakfast~~
Today, I make sandwiches~~

Send him a message again~~
While waiting for him to reply~~
I accompany my sister study oral again~~

After that called him..
But he didn't pick up my call....
When he called back me...
Just chat a while then he says he says he not free~~
Call me later~~
That time I got a bit angry o...
Cause the 5 minutes conversation got some sentences that I don't

After a little while, he called me back~~
He says he scared me angry o~~
When I heard he says this don't know why my heart suddenly feel
so sweet and warm...

Night time...
Watch TV...
so boring o~~
Cannot online~~
No internet access...

Sleep early la~~
You also must sleep early o~~

Good Night~~
I love you..

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I'm boring

26 January 2012 Thursday CNY 4th day

Today wake up still have the stomach pain feel~~
Hate that~~

Today still have to stay at Ampang until noon then only go back
to Yulek~~
At home there nothing to do, just eat sleep and play....
But, got a bit special...
I have a mission impossible~~
Help my sister to memorize the oral~~

My hubby husband today will come back~~
Morning he sms tell me he so sad because need to come back KL~~
Have to study again~~
Afternoon I sms him again~~
He says he now at Port Dickson~~
He told me why he at there but I don't really understand~~
But, I trust him~~
The most important is he is safe...

Evening, I received his message again~~
He says he bought me a present from Cameron~~
I so happy o~~

Finally he reached KL~~
Before sleep chat with him for a while~~
1 day didn't hear his voice already~~
So miss him~~
When only school reopen?

Good Night~~
I love you , dear...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Good friend

25 January 2012 Wednesday CNY 3rd day

Oh yeah!!!
Today my "good friend" finally come~~
Worry a few days already~~
Finally you arrive~~
Welcome, welcome...

Early early sms my hubby~~
He says he still not yet go back KL~~
He is going to Cameron Highland with his family~~
Means today he also not yet come back KL la~~~

So jealous~~
He can go travel with family~~
Just stay at my Home Sweet " BED "

Afternoon time I started my PAIN week...
Every time also will pain like that~~
Wait the 10 month then I will not pain like that~~

Go to my relatives house for dinner~~
Oh gosh~~
They say got a lot of things to eat~~
But, my cousins and I including my sister~~
Luckily got Black Forest Cake~~
If not I think really need to go eat supper~~

10 something~~
Finally can jumped up to my lovely bed~~
Today whole day also not feeling so good~~
So sleepy and tired~~

Good night~~
I love you, dear

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Come? No come?

24 January 2012 Tuesday CNY 2nd day

Chinese New Year 2nd day...
Today I wake up~~
I suddenly think today is what's the date for today...
24 already...
My 'good friend' still not yet come~~
So worry~~

Today go out 拜年 again~~
So many biscuit to eat~~
Eat until full full~~
No need eat lunch~~
Can diet~~

Afternoon come back sms my hubby~~
He still at Ipoh...
When only he will be back?
Your wife me very missed you o~~

Night time~~
I called my hubby~~
Called many time then only he answer my call....
Wu wu~~

Tired tired o~~
Sleep early early la...
Night night~~
I love you, dear

Monday, January 23, 2012

Gong Xi Fa Cai

23 January 2012 Monday CNY 1st day

Gong Xi Fa Cai~~
Angpau come come~~

Today first day of Chinese New Year~~
A lot of people play fire crackers~~
But, I sleep early ~~
Cause need to prepare morning dishes~~

5 o clock wake up~~
Feel like wanna sms my hubby husband~~
Today he go back to Ipoh o~~
Just not sure what time will he arrived~~
I miss him badly~~

8 o clock something~~
Finished eat morning rice~~
Angpau time~~
This time angpau also less~~

Time go to 拜年...
Go grandmother house...
On the way, keep on look at my handphone~~
No message yet~~

We are the first family who reach early~~
Go there help grandma cook dishes again~~
10 o clock something then only got people come~~

Afternoon come back,
My hubby husband called me~~
Chat for almost 30 minutes only,
then stop~~
Wanna hear his sound longer but he just like want to go do something~~

After dinner....
My family suddenly say wanna go watch movie~~
Go 1 Shamelin TGV cinemas watch " I Love Hong Kong 2"
Not that nice~~
Just a little bit laugh scene~~

Today really tired~~
Sleep sleep o...

Good Night~~
I love you, dear~~

Sunday, January 22, 2012

CNY eve

22 January 2012 Sunday CNY eve

Dong dong qiang~~
Don't misunderstand~~
Today just CNY eve~~

Today got many things need to do~~
Pray... Prepare reunion dinner... Prepare angpau money~~

Morning sms my hubby husband~~
Wait for 1 hour only he reply o~~
Wonder why everything if he late or didn't reply my message,
I will feel fear~~

12 o clock in the noon, start to pray...
Oh My God~~
When burn the 元宝, the fire too hot...
So pain~~

So many dishes to cook...
Make the chicken soup, chop the chicken, mini oyster~~
Hmm.... My mother guide me all the way when I cooked~~
When I cooked she keep on smile~~
When taste... She say "Yum"

Prepare 12 o clock pray's things...
Sms with my hubby~~
Tomorrow he go back to Ipoh o...
Dear, must reach safe o...

This year when I put all the money inside the angpau~~
I realize that the money like "absorb water"...
Little and little....
Don't say too much....
Cause our angpau money didn't deduct~~
Ngek ngek...

10.30 something....
I called my hubby husband again~~
Today so busy...
Didn't called him...
I want to listen to his voice....
Sure you say I 傻婆....

Sleep o...
Tomorrow morning have to wake up early to prepare the breakfast and pray pray's things....

Good Night...
Happy Chinese New Year...
Gong Xi Fat Cai~~
Huat Ah~~

I love you , dear...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

IRON shirt

21 January 2012 Saturday Cold Day

Today wake up, not Hak Chiu anymore~~
This time is sore throat~~

My mum this morning keep on morning call me...
Ask me go wash the clothes then iron it...
I still not yet send morning message to my lovely husband~~
Wait for a little while la...

After breakfast, the clothes all dry....
When I take out the iron~~
I got so many shirt to iron~~
When only can finish ?

Afternoon time...
Finished lunch, call my hubby for a little while~~
Really a little while, cause we just talk on the phone for 2 minutes...
The rest time I sms him but he didn't reply me....

Night time~~
After had dinner~~
Go out wet market buy things again~~
This time buy the "Kuih " and flowers to pray~~
2 more days CNY o....
Got angpau means got $$...

Good Night~~~
Dear, today got miss me or not?
I love you, dear....

Friday, January 20, 2012

Thanks, Uncle Najib

20 January 2012 Friday Cold Day

Hak Chiu~~
Early in the morning, so cold~~
Outside raining o....

I hate to go out when raining~~
Have to take the umbrella~~
Some more have to take care of the old grandmother~~

Today my father didn't go for work....
At home keep on surf internet~~
Make the internet line damn slow~~
I want download movie for my hubby husband also cannot~~

Afternoon , I take a nap~~
But, don't know why?
Every time when I sleep , they sure will be noisy ~~
Make me so annoying~~

Night, after dinner~~
Feel like wanna go Leisure Mall watch movie~~
Laughing Gor my sister cannot watch... need 18 years old~~
I Love HK2, don't have that mood to watch o...

Then go Tesco Ampang again
My mum go buy the chocolate~~
Then I go use my Book Voucher~~
RM 200 voucher....

My father buy many ring files....
Then I buy one calculator, pens, eraser...
Then don't know they still gt buy what~~

Oh shit, forget to bring my IC ....
Luckily my student card got IC number there....
Some more I was given Popular Member Card for free~~~

Thanks, Uncle Najib~~

Good Night....
I love you, hubby husband~~

Thursday, January 19, 2012


19 January 2012 Thursday Hot Day

Early in the morning have to meet "PIG",means Malay people.....
Accompany my uncle go settle down the income tax things....
What the hell, working speed slow like a snail....

After settle down , my aunt and I went to Sungei Wang....
We go buy 肉干,then go for nail spa....
Nice nice...

After finish my leng leng nail spa~~
I go to find my lou gong, Joey...
Bought a mask from her shop...
She told me some funny thing about B....
Don't want tell you...

Snowflake time...
Wow, so many choices~~
Eat glass jelly with red bean and tarot...

Finally reach home...
Outside so hot~~
I almost melt...
On the phone called with my hubby husband~~
Love you o...
Dear, Today I bring the little shoes go shopping o...
Every single moment I also didn't leave it...

I don't know why headache...
Pain until want burst~~
Sleep early la~~
Hope tomorrow will recover~~

Good Night~~
I love you , my dear~~

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Day with my lovely husband

18 January 2012 Wednesday Sweet Day

Today I wake up early~~
I want to choose shirt and pants~~
Why so nervous?
Because want go out with my hubby husband~~

9.30 a.m...
I already settle down ~~~
Just wait for him to come~~
He so punctual....
Reach at 10 o clock~~

Go back college take the book voucher~~
No , go back hostel first...
Put dear's things~~
Then stay there for a little while only go take the voucher~~

4 voucher worth RM 200....
How to finish use it?
After that we go to Jusco Maluri~~
Go there walk walk...

Dear bring me go see small shoes~~
So cute`~
He buy me one pair of shoes....
I so happy leh~~

Then we go to eat Mc Donald~~
He forget me don't like cily...
Finally, he eat it....
The spicy face, I still can remember~~

When on the way home,
start raining~~
Dear go Tesco there buy Rojak for his family~~
When reach home, he saw my mum and he says "Bye bye, auntie"...

Tomorrow have to go out o....
Sleep early tonight....
I love you, dear....
Good Night

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Ah mat ah mat

17 January 2012 Tuesday Hot Day

Morning~~ Morning~~
Yesterday sleep well~~
Today feel so fresh~~

Go to wet market~~
Waiting for my hubby husband send me morning message~~
Naughty, sleep until 10 o clock only wake up~~ Hehe

Around 11 o clock, my mum ask me go to "Ah Mat" again...
Go out buy CNY stuff again~~
I wonder why the CNY always cannot finish buy?
Everyday also want me to go out?

When come back, jumped up to the bed and sleep~~
Damn tired and sleepy~~
3 o clock wake up, called my hubby~~
tomorrow can go out.....
see small shoes, hold my hubby warm hand, hug him, sleep on his shoulder~~
Can't wait to see him~~

After dinner....
Watch TV for a while, fb, then go back home...

Still got 10 hours can see my hubby husband~~
Good Night~~
I love you~~

Monday, January 16, 2012


16 January 2012 Monday Hot Day

Whole night cannot sleep well~~
Early in the morning, I fetch my sister to school~~
While on the way back~~
I keep on think about the meaning of the message that dear sent me last night~~

7 o clock in the morning I started to called him~~
Maybe he not yet wake up~~
But I keep on called him~~
I wanted to know the meaning~~

I called until 9 o clock something~~
Still don't have any response~~
He called me back~~
I ask him why I message him last night but he didn't reply me~~
Why he send me this kind of message~~
What's the meaning?

He says he scared my family don't like him~~
What I want to say is~~
Why need to judge someone by face~~
I love you not because you are handsome or ugly~~~
Love is from the true heart~~
No matter how, I want to tell you,
I love you from my true heart,
No matter you are ugly, handsome, rich , poor I also will love you

Dear say Wednesday he's going to bring me to Jusco see small cute baby shoes right after we claim the book vouchers at college~~
So happy to hear that~~
Wednesday can go pak tor again o~~

Today I keep on sleeping~~
Sleep a while then wake up~~
More tired~~

Night after dinner~~
Go back Ampang~~
Rest a while ~~
Sleep o~~

Good Night~~
I love you, dear

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Asleep asleep, please

15 January 2012 Sunday Hot Day

Get up very late today...
If my husband sms awake me up...
I also won't wake up ....
Don't say me pig...

After breakfast, my family and I went to the temple....
To worship, to ask God for our health and fortune....
God said I will be very easy to get sick this year, to take good care of yourself, if you do not properly take care of, may be very serious. After I heard, my heart was afraid...
After my mother mouth itch, ask God about my school and love luck. God said no problem when the school, because I am willing to read, hard! Love, God said my boyfriend is very accommodating me, has to be to coax me, because I am a person needs a sense of security. God this marriage that I now can go to a permanent, long cherish, no problem.

I will cherish the good of all I now have all, thank you God gave me everything, many people love me, protect me. Thank you God gave me such a good boyfriend....

Afternoon mu lovely husband called me , chat for almost 30 minutes....
Sweet sweet chatting...
I love you ,dear...

After finish call, I sleep for 2hours...
After that go eat dinner with grandmother...
Finish eat , sigh....
Go to Tesco buy CNY stuff again...

People mountain people sea again...
When go to counter pay, my hand keep on shaking....
The cashier say, " Thank you miss, RM 263.90"....
Oh My god...
What did my mum buy, almost RM 300....
Later my daddy sure noisy noisy...

Go home... check on my phone...
From 7 o clock I sms my husband, until 9 o clock he also didn't reply me...
10 o clock...
The time that I sleep, still not yet have one message...
What happen to him?
Off to bed...
Sleep a while, check on the phone again....
Don't know wake up how many times to check on the phone...
finally, 12 o clock something, I received his message...
The contain of the message make me feel uncomfortable....
I can't close my eyes to sleep...
Keep on think for the message meaning....

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Shopping Shopping

14 January 2012 Saturday Shopping Day

Today go Leisure Mall shopping~~
Buy Chinese New Year stuff and my new new shirt....
11 o clock drive from Cheras...
Find parking also need time...
Lot of people go there....

Lot of shirt waiting for me...
Hmm... While shopping keep on sms my husband....
I saw a lot of small shoes again...
so cute....
But, this time not so sweet, cause my dear is not by my side...

After finish buy all my leng leng shirt and skirt,
We go Boston 又一城 had lunch....
The 车仔面..
Not tasty at all...

Before go home, we go buy drinks from Chattime....
This one only called good drinks....

Go home lu....
Quickly wear my leng leng shirt take some pictures again...
I want to show my lovely husband...

Drive to Bukit Jalil....
Wow... A lot of car...
Parking all FULL.....
At grandmother house, chat with my dear for almost 1 hour....
My grandmother told my mum, your daughter can marry already...
Then my mum say she everyday also will hold the phone sms or else will answer call for almost 1 hour...

When back, I realize my car was scratched...
Damn you, my car just service for 3 days...
Now have to go service again....

Today very tired...
Sleep sleep la...
Good night....
I love you ,dear

Friday, January 13, 2012


13 January 2012 Friday Hot Day

So fast Friday...
Already holiday for 3 days..
Cannot see my lovely husband....

Today go out buy many things...
All also about hair things...
Go take away food....
Past by the boutique shop,
I try one shirt,
Then the sales girl say this shirt not everyone can fit...
Just I can fit until so nice....
She say me very slim....
Haha... Happy Happy...

Afternoon my husband called me again...
Sad o...
He purposely make me angry o...
He says he prefer to hug the pillow rather than me...
But finally he says sorry sorry o....
I so love you, I will not angry you ....

Night so boring,
luckily my husband sms me....
Watch the Amazing Race...
So disgusting....
eat worms because want to win 50 K US dollar...

Very sleepy o....
Good Night..
I love you, dear...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Yeah !!! Sem Break

12 January 2012 Thursday Holiday

Yeah yeah~~
Semester 2 break start now...
No need wake up early in the morning...
No need rush for class....
No need do all those stupid tutorial and attend lecturer class...
No need do assignment...
And the most important is no need study for exam...

Today wake up at 8 o clock...
Be "Ah Mat" again...
Accompany my mum to the wet market...
Then come back called my lovely husband for a while..
Next then start my CLEANING job...

Now only I realize I got so many books and rubbish inside my cupboard...
No wonder my mum always say my cupboard is a big dustbin...
So many dust...
While cleaning then will hear my "Hak-chu" sound...

Is time to pack my shirt...
I bought many shirt....
Got many I also didn't wear before...
Again ...
My mum sing mountain song (scold)^_^
"You see ! How many shirts you had bought and didn't wear.... Now still want to buy... If don't want wear then please donate some to others"
Crazy? My shirt all expensive one.... Throw it away... No way!!!

2 o clock....
My lovely husband called me again...
This time we chat about 1 hour...
Of course long chatting...
I will have 25 days cannot meet him....
I will miss him very very much...
Don'y say me "GELI"
When you all have boyfriend/girlfriend then you will understand...
I love you...

Nap for 2 hours...
Then receive Alfred's call...
Keep asking me go Times Square....
Then some more lie to me say the PIS paper have to re-sit...
I will not believe you...
I'm not the small kids...

Pasar Malam time...
Long time didn't go already...
People mountain people sea...
So hot man...

Take shower....
Then sms my husband...
Is time to sleep....
Good night....
I love you,my dear

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sweet ~~

11 January 2012 Wednesday Sweet Day

The day I wish to come....
Will be a great day for me....
Business paper and can go shopping with my lovely husband after the exam...

Meet Lydia at LRT station....
She can't get into the train for 2 times...
After that we stopped at Ampang Park to have breakfast at Old Town White Coffee...
Chat for a while( love things)
Then go to college study with Alfred and guys....
Thanks for the lolipop , my chee toh gor gor....
Watermelon flavor....

Business paper....
Chop chop chop~~
2 hours paper I just use 45 minutes to settle it down..
The indicator also shocked and she ask me " Cepatnya, tak mau check lagi! Banyak masa!"

After that help Alfred to transfer his new home...
A lot of rubbish inside his room...
Money, dust, plastic bag...

Anne help him to send all the stuff to his new home...
Baby tell me her ex-boyfriend come back to ask her together back with her o...
Think properly lo....
This man hurt you one time, he also can hurt you the second time...
I don't want you to get hurt....

4 o clock already...
My husband also finished exam already...
Can go shopping....
Go to Wangsa Walk...

Watch movie...
Jack & Jill...
Comedy movie...
Laugh until stomachache~~
My husband hug me all the time in the cinema cause is cold...
I feed him to eat Popcorn...

After movie...
We go walk walk...
A lot of baby shoes...
so cute...
one pair cost RM 33.90....
Dear say his shoes just RM10....
baby always the KING....

Go back home lu...
The caramel popcorn make us very full...
So we didn't had dinner then go home....

I love the sweet time we had in the cinema...
I love that feel...
The way he hug , care and love me...
I love you, my lovely husband....

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


10 January 2012 Tuesday Hot Day

Early in the morning have to be "Ah Mat"
What is "Ah Mat" ?
Maid la....

Fetch my mother go to wet market then help her carry many things ...
Chinese New Year really need to use many money and ENERGY...
My mum buy things just like all the things are free...
When I pay money....
I feel so scare....
The money one piece one piece fly away....

When reach home, damn tired...
Today my lovely husband don't have exam....
Talk on the phone in the morning,
plan what to watch tomorrow....
Celebrate our half year anniversary....

After finished call,
Study study...
Business paper tomorrow...
Don't you forget you promise sir want get an A ?

My mum say when I study I very horror...
No need eat, sleep and drink....
Actually is no mood to eat, maybe right after the exam finish,
I will eat a lot and a lot....

11 o clock in the night...
Sleep Natalie,
if not tomorrow not pretty... xD:)

I love you , my lovely husband....

Monday, January 9, 2012

Wednesday, faster come!!!

9 January 2012 Monday Hot day

Cannot sleep well...
I keep on open and close my eyes for a few hours..
Also cannot asleep...
Why? Why? Why?

This morning when I drive to my grandmother house....
Traffic jam...
Normally it won't happen in the morning...
Oh , shit...
Got road block....
I didn't bring my IC and license...

Today is the day where decide Anwar Ibrahim have to be in the jail for the rest of his lifetime...
Everyone says better don't go out...
Until 10 o clock....
I saw one sentence :"Anwar aquicted"...
After I see this...
So sleepy....
Sleep until 2 o clock...

Take a bath...
Study the business....
Oh gosh....
2 more chapters to go....
I want distinction...

4 o clock something...
Receive a sweet call...
Chat for almost 1 hour....
He says if i can score distinction..
Then he will do sit up and rabbit jump 1 round around the college...
Where got so easy...

Chat with Chee Toh...
teach him how to "kao" a girl...
study study la...
dun fb already...

Wednesday faster come...
I want go shopping with my lovely husband...
Good night...
I love you...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Boring Day

8 January 2012 Sunday Hot Hot

Whole night can't sleep well...
Keep on to check my handphone...
Wait for my husband goodnight message....
But, one message I also didn't receive...

Until morning....
I only receive his message....
Sometimes I was upset but I wonder why I angry a while then I will forgive him...
Maybe this is what Carmen say : "You will forgive your lover no matter how wrong they are"

Today he don't let me study business...
So bad...
This afternoon I eat , sleep and watch TV...

Night time...
I sms him ...
as predicted...
He didn't reply me...

Today I feel boring for the whole day....
Don't know why...
No mood already....

Good night...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Pang Pang Pang.... PIS paper down....

7 January 2012 Saturday Hot Day

Today got PIS paper....
Go to school early study...

Today got new look...
Seems so fresh....
Everybody starring at me...
I look weird or what?

When reach college go find my husband...
So happy...
Today he got 'sayang' me ...

Afternoon paper...
We go college study....
Alfred keep on say my hair like pig tail....
My lovely husband accompany me until I enter the exam hall...

When I opened the paper...
I know how to answer the questions...

After the paper end....
Wait for the Yong Zhong they all come out...
Then I saw Chee Toh gor gor...
His phone is being confiscate...
So pity....
Next time see you still dare to silent your phone or not!!

Go back home together with my sweetie, Lydia...
We go to KLCC just to buy Rotiboy....
She bought 2 bread...
Not yet reached home....
She already finished the bread....
My poor sweetie sure very hungry....

Today very tired o....
My lovely husband maybe same with me....
Tired tired...
Sleep early la...
One more paper to go...
I had promise Mr Teo...
Sure I can keep my promise to score distinction....

Good Night
I love you, Mr Chow..

Friday, January 6, 2012

Brand New Natalie

6 January 2012 Friday Hot Day

Today wake up....
Got many things to do....
Go dentist check up again....
Go bank in....
Go saloon....
I'm going to make my hair curly....

Bring PIS notes along while waiting the new hair to be done...

When come out start to work hard lo....
study study...
Don't know why feel like want to study seriously for tomorrow's paper...
feel like want to score A in that...

Afternoon my husband called me...
Chat for almost 30 minutes...
then study again...
Tomorrow morning can meet him...

study until chapter 8 no mood to study already...
To be continue....

Happy Half Year Anniversary, my lovely husband...
I love you....

Thursday, January 5, 2012


5 January 2012 Thursday Hot Oven Day

PCD paper....
The only subject that make me worry...
When I open the paper....
Go through the questions...
Got many I don't know how to answer....
Sad case...

After finished the exam.... I feel so happy and relax...
Sorry Sin Chien and my sweetie Lydia...
Today only I can give you all the christmas present....

Baby Anne fetch me to lrt station...
Wow.... The way she drive... so cool....
When reached home...
My teeth more pain....
surf fb for a while then go sleep....
Afternoon go dentist appointment...

Night come back....
Go pasar malam....
Today night market so crowded...
I bought bubble tea for drinks....

Tomorrow is an important date for me and my lovely husband....
Happy 6 month Anniversary....
I love you...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Pain pain

4 January 2012 Wednesday Hot Oven Day

Today wake up very very late...
Whole night cannot sleep well...
My teeth..
Pain again....
Once in a blue moon's pain finally come...

Teeth pain...
What also cannot eat...
Just drink a cup of hot nestum...

No mood to study...
Once open up the notes...
I can see a lot of alien language...
In malay we call that 'Langsung Tak Faham'

Chat with Sin Chien and my sweetie Lydia....
Opps... is spam status...
Sin chien makes me want vomit blood...
Spam until 12 o clock...
Then I take a nap with Kim Kim, my lovely dog dog...

1 o clock wake up...
I heard many bus passed by my house....
Now only realize my sister not yet come back...
Don't know she go where play....
Later my father and mother sure noisy...
Better prepare cotton or just plug in my earphone...

I wait for somebody's call...
But, until 4 o clock he also not yet call me...
I can't wait anymore...
Called him...
chat a while then he says he wants to go print something...

I not happy...
He says this few days he wants concentrate study and he says he will not called me...
After I listen this phrase...
Mood more down...
But, I understand la....
Sure I will learn forgive and forget....

Hrmm... night...
my house got earthquake....
start discipline class....
I have also been implicated innocent...

Still got how many days only finish the exam...
I'm tired...
I waiting for my holiday...
I waiting to go out with my lovely husband...
I waiting to sleep late late...

6 more days I'm free...
Good night...
I love you...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Unlucky day

3 January 2012 Tuesday Hot Hot Day

Today got to go school exam...
Wake up early in the morning...
Still blur blur..

After brush my teeth, I choose a ear ring to wear...
When I removed it, blood come out...
Ouchh, so pain!!

After I jumped out from my father's car...
I only realize that I didn't bring my handphone...
No phone use, is not convenient at all...

Wait for the stupid library to open, very very long...
My husband also late come...
Today finally can meet him, so happy o...

First paper, English For Communication....
When I looked at the attendance paper...
Oh shit, how to fill in the index number, really don't have any idea in mind...
Luckily Anne say write in words...
Thanks, baby...

I hate the Section A part.... Tricky questions....
Section B I liked it.... Complaint letter...
Section C....Co-curricular activities in college... Agree or disagree?
Luckily yesterday I had go through this essay....

I leave the hall earlier...
Go to library find my husband and continue study...
Wait for Alfred they all to come....
He teaches me a while then he says he wants to eat...
I still full, then he go first...
I wait them for almost 1 hour, but they all still not yet back...
My husband they won't come back anymore, so he ask me to go back home study...
After go out from the library, drop them for a call, they say they put me aeroplane, they at YZ house....

Me and husband pak tor....
Walk from library to the bus stop...
That time I feel so sweet....
I asked him why he don't want to take out the big book cause the bag can't close...
He says if I take out the book then I have no hand to hold you...

Before I step up to the bus, he gives me a sweet kiss...
Then go back home...
Wait for the stupid bus for 2 hours...
Sad case...
I wonder why the government got so many money to build road and all those things,
why they all cannot spend some of the money on buying more bus so that I will not wait the bus like hell...

When reach home, on phone call with my husband for 20 minutes, then bath, eat lunch and surf fb...
Ah toh gor asked me today paper's questions answer...
Then he says he had no mood to study , cause now he is in Chinese New Year mood...
Actually, I hope that the day can quickly go to next Wednesday, the last day for exam and I can go out with my husband.....

Night time, watch tv for a while, so boring....
My teeth started to pain...
Study PCD, the next paper that can kill me much....
I sleep for a little while, but the PIS tutor sms me , she says she will be marking the paper...
I wonder why every time when I sleep then she sms me... timing so good huh!!

Tomorrow will be school reopen day....
I can sleep late a bit...
Happy School Reopen!!!

I love you, dear!!!

Study Study Study

2 January 2012 Monday Sunny Day


Many people ask me why you write all the things that happen in one day at your blog instead of write your own expressions here...

I treat the blog as my baby diary, I like to review back the things that happen to me for the past few days or months...

Today nothing special...
I wake up early in the morning, sms my lovely husband and wait for his reply for 1 hour something then only he reply my message... Sleep until so late, naughty....
Go out had my breakfast, oops, is brunch( breakfast + lunch)....

Drop a call to my husband, chat around 30 minutes then start study...
Tomorrow got English paper... I have no idea with what to study... Just flip the books , lay on the bed... Then slowly slowly like Justin Bieber's song :" I closed my eyes.....", I sleep....

3 something wake up then saw my husband message... Finally he arrive at hostel... Sometimes I very afraid he alone drive back home or hostel... He loves to think when he is driving, is so dangerous...

Night time, eat Claypot chicken rice as dinner.... Aiks, not tasty like last time.... When I reached home, after I see the message, I so happy... Tomorrow can meet up with my husband.... I also don't know got how many days didn't meet him.... Just chat and sms through handphone....

I realize that I opened up my english books, page 73 at 7.38p.m.
Dik Dok Dik Dok...
Now is 8.45p.m.
My book still at page 73....
Because I fb+ing....
Don't want study already....

I love you....

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

1 January 2012 Sunday Sunny Day

Goodbye 2011 and Hello 2012!!
Starting New year, everything must be new,
New blog,new shirt, new hairband, and new fortune....
Just one thing cannot change new, that is my lovely husband....
I love you....

Hope that this year will bring me some good fortune...
Hope that my lovely husband health, happy and love me always...
Hope that all of my family & friends stay healthy and happy....