Wednesday, February 1, 2012

No mood

1 February 2012 Wednesday CNY 10th day

Today my mood like this song "Lazy Song", Bruno Mars's song....
Today I don't feel like doing anything~~
I just want to lay in my bed~~

Wake up at 9 o clock...
Saw dear message...
I told him tomorrow I only go Bank..
But he still say I today go bank...
He so forgetful...
He will forget what I say very fast...

I reply his message...
I told him I not today go bank...
Afternoon, he send me a message and he ask me :"come back from bank already? "
This time, my mood more down...
He didn't read my message properly....

Online also no mood play Tetris....
Just check status ad see pictures...
Dear come back from Mid Valley..
But he didn't text me...
Eat you, so angry you...

He keep on tam me...
until i forgive him...
He likes to swear....
I don't like him to swear...
I want him to love me not because of swear and promises...
After that we Skype...

As I say today...
I very lazy...
Good night~~
I love you, dear....

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