Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Last day holiday...........sucks

7 February 2012 Tuesday Terrible day

Today is last day holiday for semester break..
Feel like wanna sleep late a little bit but cannot asleep..

After go night market,
back to Yulek...
I don't want go Yulek...
I don't want face someone that I hate...
When I see her UGLY WITCH face I feel like wanna slap her....

Afternoon want to watch TV but rain heavily...
Why my last day holiday so sucks?
Go into kitchen cook, too noisy...
Missed 12 calls from dear...
Muacks, sorry dear...

chat with dear...
I don't know why dear suddenly say want to stay with me?
But, I will try my best to pursue my father to let us stay together...
I want everyday hug hug you sleep...
When wake up open my eyes I will see you and say good morning to you...

Night night...
Tomorrow need to wake up early for class o....
Meet dear tomorrow o...
I want hug you tomorrow....
I so sad today...
I swear I won't leave you

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