Wednesday, February 8, 2012

College reopen day

8 February 2012 Wednesday College reopen day

Today wake up early lo...
College life is back...
When wake up on my handphone,
2 missed call, then got message..
My hubby coming to fetch me...
He says come at 8.20 a.m. but now he come early...
Not yet brush teeth and bath, how?
Rush rush rush...

When I reach Yulek,
He not yet arrived...
I wait him until 8 o clock..
OMG... Cannot bath o....
Smelly smelly...

When reach hostel,
Saw baby Anne..,
She didn't wear spectacle so she cannot see clearly who am I?
Until I walk near near only she know...

After that go to hubby room sit for a little while,
chit chat..
Then dear go DK ABA for class and me go to find Anne....
We go to CITC print out the notes then walk to lecture hall...

Yasotha change to Carolyn...
I'm talking about my lecturer name...
Suppose to be Yasotha teach us Web based multimedia application,
But suddenly change to Miss Carolyn...
A bit suffer, she one day teach 3 chapter...
24 Chapters total up...
How to rush...

Afternoon go for tutorial class then go back home....
Stop at Pasar Seni, reload my rapid card, then go buy Valentine's day present...
Don't want tell you what I buy and how nice is it?
I want to give you a surprise....

So tired when reached home...
Eat dinner, surf facebook, call hubby then go back Ampang...
Go back called him again...
Then only go sleep...
Good night..
I love you...

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