Monday, February 6, 2012


6 February 2012 Monday CNY 15th day

Today wake up..
Just don't think that today is a good day....

Go to clinic...
Buy medicine also have to wait for a long long time...
Go back home...
Faced someone that I HATE....

Today's blog..
I won't write much on what did I do...
I just want to write down all my current feelings...

I'm a girl that always get blame...Every time if got anything wrong, the first person who get scolded is forever me,NATALIE...
Come on, I'm your sister...Could you please respect me? Don't think that you got YOUR stupid Aunt support you then you can do what ever you want including scolding me bad words and do something that are naive!!!
Please, I'm your niece too... Can you please be more fair.... Every time what she say forever you say good point and what about me? all I say is rubbish and nonsense....
Don't you remember every time when you all want to do something,did I didn't complete it for you? I do things for you all then only myself turn.... A little bit wrong won't make any big differences? Any affect to you? NO... you just know how to scold people, but do you know behind how suffer is it?

Maybe in my family, I'm the one who forever get blame...
How long did I need to continue with this TERRIBLE things...
I hate you all...
2 more years, I'm free...
I can be with my hubby...
I won't face you all again...

Good Night, dear...
I love you

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