Saturday, February 4, 2012

Family gathering

4 February 2012 Saturday CNY 13th day

Wake up in the morning~~
Go to market buy tonight gathering's food...
Bacon, seafood taufu, bi li ba la....
All those things that I not really like....

After that back to Ampang...
11 something call dear,
he say he at Low Yat o....
Actually he want to find me go with him , but he scare i will boring cause he walk at computer area... haha....

Afternoon use phone to online for a little while...
Chat with my lovely hubby husband...
Don't have wireless...
So need to use phone to online chat...
Not so convenient...
Phone hard to reply message and is slow....

After offline...
Called hubby again...
I hope can fast fast reached Wednesday...
Can meet him again...
I miss him so much....

Almost 5 o clock something then start to go to my aunt house for family gathering...
Today got barbeque and steamboat....
Hope the steamboat will not like last time...
No taste....
Yummy...this time soup got the salt taste...
Take some crazy pictures with my cousin ...
Play fire-cracker with the small kids....
Check out the crazy pictures at facebook ya...

Hmm... Today so tired...
Sleep early la..
I miss you..
Remember sleep tight and miss me ya...
Good Night...
Muacks, I love you....

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