Saturday, February 11, 2012


11 February 2012 Saturday

From today on....
I just will update my blog once per week..
College life start....
Will be busy busy o...
Busy with homework, assignment, and busy with pak tor...

Friday, February 10, 2012

This semester, sigh...

10 February 2012

Today go to college with my sweetie, Lydia...
She reach station earlier than me...
So sorry that she wait for me so long, she say I'm princess ...

Go to the Old Town near Ampang Park...
Order nasi lemak but I cannot finished it...
So spicy...
Called hubby to wake up...
If not will be late...
Haha... Give you morning kiss... Muacks muacks...

After that we slowly climb to college...
Go to CITC....
Print notes and surf facebook...
Today class dismissed early because the projector is not functioning...
Then go to Bursary with Anne and then go to Mc Donald study maths..
Baby, next time when traffic light turn red remember to stop your car o....

Go back with hubby...
When reach home I give him a kiss...
Don't know my father got see us kiss kiss or not...
I think don't have...
If got he also noisy noisy already...
Never mind la...
He is my boy friend ma...
I cannot kiss him then who can kiss him...
No way...

Today very tired o....
Go back home early....
Tomorrow have to do revision and tutorial....
Night night,...
I love you...

Thursday, February 9, 2012


9 February 2012 Thursday F***ing Day

Actually today don't have any class...
But the old man, E-commerce lecturer want to make replacement class, so I force to go...

When reach college already 11.30a.m....
Go to CITC print notes but the notes cannot be print out successfully.... shit..
Meet hubby at there , after a little we go to Chicken rice meet Alfred and guys... Force hubby to drink the Chrysanthenum drinks...
Ishh... I angry only he drink it....

OLD MAN lecturer...
you say break for 5 minutes then means can go toilet what..
But please don't mark attendance during that time la....
After that consider me didn't come...
Then what for I sit in the class?

Go back home with sweetie Lydia...
She give me a chopstick as a present..
So nice...
Thank you , sweetie...

Got a little bit argue with hubby about rent a room near college...
But, after that nothing already...
He tam me back already....

Sleep early tonight,
Tomorrow morning meet sweetie..
Together go with sweetie Lydia...
Before sleep call hubby buy he didn't pick up the call o?
Why o?
Night night...
I love you

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

College reopen day

8 February 2012 Wednesday College reopen day

Today wake up early lo...
College life is back...
When wake up on my handphone,
2 missed call, then got message..
My hubby coming to fetch me...
He says come at 8.20 a.m. but now he come early...
Not yet brush teeth and bath, how?
Rush rush rush...

When I reach Yulek,
He not yet arrived...
I wait him until 8 o clock..
OMG... Cannot bath o....
Smelly smelly...

When reach hostel,
Saw baby Anne..,
She didn't wear spectacle so she cannot see clearly who am I?
Until I walk near near only she know...

After that go to hubby room sit for a little while,
chit chat..
Then dear go DK ABA for class and me go to find Anne....
We go to CITC print out the notes then walk to lecture hall...

Yasotha change to Carolyn...
I'm talking about my lecturer name...
Suppose to be Yasotha teach us Web based multimedia application,
But suddenly change to Miss Carolyn...
A bit suffer, she one day teach 3 chapter...
24 Chapters total up...
How to rush...

Afternoon go for tutorial class then go back home....
Stop at Pasar Seni, reload my rapid card, then go buy Valentine's day present...
Don't want tell you what I buy and how nice is it?
I want to give you a surprise....

So tired when reached home...
Eat dinner, surf facebook, call hubby then go back Ampang...
Go back called him again...
Then only go sleep...
Good night..
I love you...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Last day

7 February 2012 Tuesday Terrible day

Today is last day holiday for semester break..
Feel like wanna sleep late a little bit but cannot asleep..

After go night market,
back to Yulek...
I don't want go Yulek...
I don't want face someone that I hate...
When I see her UGLY WITCH face I feel like wanna slap her....

Afternoon want to watch TV but rain heavily...
Why my last day holiday so sucks?
Go into kitchen cook, too noisy...
Missed 12 calls from dear...
Muacks, sorry dear...

chat with dear...
I don't know why dear suddenly say want to stay with me?
But, I will try my best to pursue my father to let us stay together...
I want everyday hug hug you sleep...
When wake up open my eyes I will see you and say good morning to you...

Night night...
Tomorrow need to wake up early for class o....
Meet dear tomorrow o...
I want hug you tomorrow....
I so sad today...
I swear I won't leave you

Monday, February 6, 2012


6 February 2012 Monday CNY 15th day

Today wake up..
Just don't think that today is a good day....

Go to clinic...
Buy medicine also have to wait for a long long time...
Go back home...
Faced someone that I HATE....

Today's blog..
I won't write much on what did I do...
I just want to write down all my current feelings...

I'm a girl that always get blame...Every time if got anything wrong, the first person who get scolded is forever me,NATALIE...
Come on, I'm your sister...Could you please respect me? Don't think that you got YOUR stupid Aunt support you then you can do what ever you want including scolding me bad words and do something that are naive!!!
Please, I'm your niece too... Can you please be more fair.... Every time what she say forever you say good point and what about me? all I say is rubbish and nonsense....
Don't you remember every time when you all want to do something,did I didn't complete it for you? I do things for you all then only myself turn.... A little bit wrong won't make any big differences? Any affect to you? NO... you just know how to scold people, but do you know behind how suffer is it?

Maybe in my family, I'm the one who forever get blame...
How long did I need to continue with this TERRIBLE things...
I hate you all...
2 more years, I'm free...
I can be with my hubby...
I won't face you all again...

Good Night, dear...
I love you

Sunday, February 5, 2012

New phone new phone

5 February 2012 Sunday CNY 14th day

Good morning~~
wake up wake up~~
Today go buy new phone...
So excited...

Sms dear...
He go to visit his brother at camp...
When go back call him,
he not yet reach home again...

Until 4 o clock ,
He finally call me..
Chat for a while...
Tomorrow is our 7 month anniversary...

go to temple pray pray...
dear go Low Yat to repair his laptop again...
When he reach home he didn't sms me...
Let me worry...

Sleep already...
Good Night...
I love you

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Family gathering

4 February 2012 Saturday CNY 13th day

Wake up in the morning~~
Go to market buy tonight gathering's food...
Bacon, seafood taufu, bi li ba la....
All those things that I not really like....

After that back to Ampang...
11 something call dear,
he say he at Low Yat o....
Actually he want to find me go with him , but he scare i will boring cause he walk at computer area... haha....

Afternoon use phone to online for a little while...
Chat with my lovely hubby husband...
Don't have wireless...
So need to use phone to online chat...
Not so convenient...
Phone hard to reply message and is slow....

After offline...
Called hubby again...
I hope can fast fast reached Wednesday...
Can meet him again...
I miss him so much....

Almost 5 o clock something then start to go to my aunt house for family gathering...
Today got barbeque and steamboat....
Hope the steamboat will not like last time...
No taste....
Yummy...this time soup got the salt taste...
Take some crazy pictures with my cousin ...
Play fire-cracker with the small kids....
Check out the crazy pictures at facebook ya...

Hmm... Today so tired...
Sleep early la..
I miss you..
Remember sleep tight and miss me ya...
Good Night...
Muacks, I love you....

Friday, February 3, 2012

First time meet parent

3 February 2012 Friday CNY 12th day

Whole night also cannot sleep well...
Keep on wake up sleep wake up sleep....
I so nervous....
Inside my brain keep on thinking later will happened things....

Go out eat breakfast with family....
Then go wet market...
When come back, chat with dear for a little while....
Go bath....
I not yet finish bath then dear reached at my house already....
So nervous man...
He first time come into my house to sit and meet my grandparents....
That time my mum inside the kitchen, BUSY with her things....

Dear bought me a purse from Cameron Highland...
So nice...
Pink color long purse....
I like it...
Thanks dear....

After that he sit for a little while then we go out to bank....
Wait for almost 30minutes then go to his house to meet his family....
When reached, my heart pumped so fast....
I wonder why I so nervous?
Can someone tell me?

Go into his house...
Called his family one by one...
I don't know how to called them just follow what dear call...
His grandfather ask me many question...
But, I shy shy...
So I answer a little question...
I scare my impression to them is BAD....

Sit there for a little while then we go to Leisure Mall...
We walk walk for a while
then we go to Mc Donald...
I think I two weeks didn't meet dear already...
When we go walk walk...
He hold my hand...
I feel so warm and sweet...
I love this feel so much....

After had lunch, then go back home....
Take a bath, reply hubby message...
I ask him what my impression to his family...
He say his family say I'm short...
I think I should make my HEIGHT more HIGH...

I chat with him again o...
Then I hug my new purse to sleep...

So tired...
Is time to sleep now...
Good Night...
I love you,dear

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Shocked shocked

2 February 2012 Thursday CNY 11th Day

First thing to do when I wake up is text message~~
To who?
Hehe... Sure is my lovely dear...

After breakfast, go back online and check for next semester bill....
Gosh, why they do work so slow...
Still not yet upload...
Means I need to go Bank again tomorrow...

Back to home,
chat with my hubby...
Today he go re-new his car license...
Chat until half,
he says tomorrow bring me go to his home to meet his family....
I was shocked that time...
He suddenly says that...

Post at facebook...
Many people like and comment...
Thanks for you guys and pretties wishes...

I called hubby..
I tell him I so nervous~~
I know he sure laugh me~~

Tonight I think I can't sleep soundly~~
So nervous...
My brain keep on thinking about tomorrow things....
Still have to sleep..
If not tomorrow not beautiful then how?
Good Night...
I love you , dear...
Wish me luck....

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

No mood

1 February 2012 Wednesday CNY 10th day

Today my mood like this song "Lazy Song", Bruno Mars's song....
Today I don't feel like doing anything~~
I just want to lay in my bed~~

Wake up at 9 o clock...
Saw dear message...
I told him tomorrow I only go Bank..
But he still say I today go bank...
He so forgetful...
He will forget what I say very fast...

I reply his message...
I told him I not today go bank...
Afternoon, he send me a message and he ask me :"come back from bank already? "
This time, my mood more down...
He didn't read my message properly....

Online also no mood play Tetris....
Just check status ad see pictures...
Dear come back from Mid Valley..
But he didn't text me...
Eat you, so angry you...

He keep on tam me...
until i forgive him...
He likes to swear....
I don't like him to swear...
I want him to love me not because of swear and promises...
After that we Skype...

As I say today...
I very lazy...
Good night~~
I love you, dear....