Friday, April 6, 2012

I'm back

Hello hello...
Long time didn't update my blog....
Busy for assignment and final exam things...

Yesterday just finish my final paper...
Don't know whether need to resit or not....
Don't think on it.... Like what the song sing," Let it be"

Yesterday i got my personal highest record....
And the most happy day for this month,
cause stress on the assignment and exam things...
I go shopping with my dear husband....
Guess where we go?

Hmm.... Let me tell you la...
But, shh... Don't tell others o....
We take train from Miharja to Hang Tuah...
Then we go Times Square...
Walk walk, then go in the shop and see see look look...
Dear take very long time just to think what to eat...
Hehe...Because I'm not feeling well,so he choose very long time...
I like to see his face when I forced him to choose the restaurant...
He's so cute...muacks

Finally, we go MarryBrown...
I feed him ,then he feed me back...
Awhh... so sweet and warm...
After that go Sungei Wang, Lot 10...
Then go Farenheit go visit my "lao gong", Joey Shek...
Hehe... She gave me a lot of sampel...

Next destination, Pavilion...
We go Daiso.... Stay for a very long time at there...
See a lot of curious curious and nice things...

When back , we take Monorail....
We get into a wrong railway,sad case..
Need to change train side again....
But I very happy o...
Normally I take train, I got nothing to hug...
But, this time different....
I can hug my hubby husband....
So happy and sweet....

Waiting for next fridat outing, I miss you dear.... Muacks

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